Hosted at Corte Madera Inn, 56 Madera Blvd., Corte Madera, CA

Program Fee: $699


PROGRAM HOURS: 9:30–4:30 each day

LOCATION: The Corte Madera Inn, 56 Madera Blvd., Corte Madera, CA - situated just five miles north of Sausalito in the heart of Marin County.

WHAT TO BRING: Dress for the program is comfortable and casual. Please be sure to bring a yoga mat, blanket or towel. Please bring along a journal as well, for recording your insights. Meals are not included; however, registered hotel guests will have free access to the breakfast buffet.

ACCOMMODATIONS: The Inn is offering a special room rate for Four Directions participants. For maps, directions or accommodation information, please go to

PARKING: Parking is free in the hotel lot or on the adjacent street (please do not park in the restaurant area; the Inn advises that any car parked there will be towed)

CONTACT: Ellie Trainer at (905) 830 4475 or email should you have any further questions about the session. An information sheet with further details will be made available to all participants.


Driving Hwy 101 North:
Exit Paradise/Tamalpais. 
Left over the freeway. 
Right at Madera Blvd. (3rd stop light) 
Right at first stop sign. 
Inn on left side, 56 Madera Blvd.

Driving Hwy 101 South:
Exit Madera Blvd. 
Inn on immediate right side, 56 Madera Blvd.