The South is devoted to the healing power of love. The practices of the four-chambered heart - full, strong, open and clear - is humanity's most powerful healing salve. These perennial wisdoms support us to be in right relationship with others, our world, and ourselves. South work helps us choose compassion over fear; cooperation over divisiveness; forgiveness over retaliation. What healing is required to ensure you are full-hearted as you enter the Spring, the sacred time of rebirth and renewal? What must be done to open and receive guidance on what has heart and meaning for you at this time? What clarity are you requiring in your personal work, relationships and collective work?

These perennial wisdoms support us to be in right relationships with others, our world and ourselves. South work helps us choose compassion over fear;cooperation over divisiveness; forgiveness over retaliation. 

Patrick O'Neill is Angeles Arrien's protégé, He taught with Angeles for twenty years. Together they created ground breaking programs on leadership, creativity, personal development, change management and collective work.

$425 - Pre-registration and payment required. Space is limited.

Contact Rhonda Blue Feather at 708 352 8481 or Dr. Arieahn Matamonasa at for more details.

Tuition is non-refundable.